Are you looking for a practitioner offering acupuncture and chiropractic care under one roof? You can find plenty of them in Des Moines. Search online or ask your friends, and you will likely find many well qualified and experienced specialists in Des Moines for chiropractic care and acupuncture.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic addresses disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. In Des Moines, chiropractors use massage therapy, and therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises to alleviate chronic pain. It is also used for the treatment of anxiety, headache, backache, joint pain, tendonitis, insomnia, and many others. Chiropractic care mainly addresses misalignments of the spine, which provides instant relief to soft tissue.
Acupuncture is a natural healing treatment that does not use drugs or surgery. In Des Moines, acupuncture experts put pressure on certain points of the body to restore proper energy flow to organs, glands and tissues. Interruptions in the flow and transmission of energy can lead to organ malfunction, disease, pain, and other issues. Acupuncturists use many methods of stimulation, including long needle insertion, short needle insertion, electrical stimulation, non-piercing needles, moxabustion, finger-tip pressure, and metallic balls taped to points. If you are suffering from neuralgias, tics, spasms, muscular rheumatism, tennis elbow, ulcers, osteoarthritis, stomach problems, asthma, diarrhea, bronchitis, shortness of breath, coughs, high blood pressure, impotence, hemorrhoids, allergies, bladder irritation, lumbago, bed wetting, female disorders, hay fever, loss of smell, skin conditions, or psychiatric/ physical disorder, consider acupuncture as an effective treatment.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic addresses disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. In Des Moines, chiropractors use massage therapy, and therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises to alleviate chronic pain. It is also used for the treatment of anxiety, headache, backache, joint pain, tendonitis, insomnia, and many others. Chiropractic care mainly addresses misalignments of the spine, which provides instant relief to soft tissue.
Acupuncture is a natural healing treatment that does not use drugs or surgery. In Des Moines, acupuncture experts put pressure on certain points of the body to restore proper energy flow to organs, glands and tissues. Interruptions in the flow and transmission of energy can lead to organ malfunction, disease, pain, and other issues. Acupuncturists use many methods of stimulation, including long needle insertion, short needle insertion, electrical stimulation, non-piercing needles, moxabustion, finger-tip pressure, and metallic balls taped to points. If you are suffering from neuralgias, tics, spasms, muscular rheumatism, tennis elbow, ulcers, osteoarthritis, stomach problems, asthma, diarrhea, bronchitis, shortness of breath, coughs, high blood pressure, impotence, hemorrhoids, allergies, bladder irritation, lumbago, bed wetting, female disorders, hay fever, loss of smell, skin conditions, or psychiatric/ physical disorder, consider acupuncture as an effective treatment.